ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Views: 236

The life that God wants me to live is hard, even though they say the devil makes it this way, why would he give him earth for his dominion?, how could he have the power to play with my ascension, causing my dissension, recessive possessiveness and he can control a soul, why is it in Gods power to let him so?, you reap what you sow, forgetting a major factor the devil tempts and intervenes, seems, it was meant to be this world and everything in it, start it over replenish, so how could it not be finished?, lock him up a thousnd years, then let him set fears on the boundaries of flesh, most of the bible is BS I confess, heaven or hell, one is a fairy tale, the other I am living through it,

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Poetic08' says:

First of all bro Elroyyken i compliment you on your strength. And secondly , from dark to light we've travel and our journey as no ending for the inner city struggle will not let us for get the color of our skin .But here where life separate "those who can-vs-those who can't".

Poetic08' says:

First of all bro Elroyyken i compliment you on your strength. And secondly , from dark to light we've travel and our journey as no ending for the inner city struggle will not let us for get the color of our skin .But here where life separate "those who can-vs-those who can't".

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