ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Black Queen



Views: 245

Mother of my earth, compatible  one to my soul, mother of my worth, that watches that knows, controller in my life, protector of my heart, the one that sheds a little bit of light when my tunnel is dark, holder of my hand, that helps me see and understand, the right way, who's love and kindness I will never betray, chose to love me unwittingly, and uniquely with no protesting, and who is there for me and will hold me down with no doubts and no questions, gives rise to my spirit, way past two digits, your not a dime your a dollar, diamond in the ruff my black impala, black and beatiful as you want to be but your my black girl ruler, of our nation and conquer of my world, I will place you on your throne because thats where your suppose to be, and put the crown upon your head and keep you close to me, My Black Queen

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