ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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World So Empty



Views: 250

I had the world imbraced, I would'nt release deigned to proclaim to know them both I recognized and realized this plighted truth I am a advocate for living peace how many precious years I wasted of a youth's past that sped so fast we found out at last through tears the world and what it fears, how much of priceless life were spent doing things I now lament, with men that every virtue decks in cells upon those teers with good intent, a judgement and insight among my peers, socities true failure we would'nt dare wonder, nights like this, through the wind and rain I watch the seen, and deeply filled with pain wandering when will I break free again for I will not die in shame to the warmth of light fresh air freedom and all it's bliss, I know this world I was made for this world and if I go it will be truly missed, and when the day of my golden dreams is gone, they perish and even despairity, was powerless to destroy my exsistence could be cherished with crystal clarity,

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LP45 says:

Very nice write.

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