ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Dark Rulers 2 continued


just different

Views: 319

 After WW1 we were given the League of Nations as the solution, it failed so it evolved to retribution, conditions were created that made WW2 inevitable, with the United Nations moving us closer to a New World Order, wasn't awarable, to slaughter, they control whether  a countries is inflated ordeflated, via a Central Banking System, consider the Federal Reserve that is no more Federal than the Federal Express thats wisdom, it is a private corp, a gift given to us by the International Bankers, for the purpose of manipulating our economy and country such gansters Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill JFK, realize how JFK wanted to get control of the National Debt and save our way, by passing the Federal Reserve Note, instead of issuing Federal Reserve Notes he began and I quote, printing debt free  United States Notes the U.S constitution states that the treasury department by right can do this, a big no no that alone could've got him killed, then f**king with the mobb sealed the deal, Abraham Lincoln went out the same way printing his own money in his day, after the JFK assasination, LBJ quietly went back to Federal Reserve Notes, assingnation, Jfk's administration also declred war on the mobs crime organization, the inner connection among  mafia CIA and Cubas directionm JFK discovered portions of proof, and truth, with respect to both the prescence of aliens  and the drug inflammation, situations in the United States the ruling elite had cornered the drug market, as a means of funding their "Black Project" and  to get it started, in 1965 JFK gave an ultimatium to Majesty 12 reveal themselves, and their dirty tricks he assured them that if they didn't claen up the drug problem, he would, he was the soverign, he informed MT that he intended to reveal the prescence of aliens to the people the following year, JFK struck fear, in the hearts of the elite, his assasination was orderd by the Policy Committee of the Bilderberg Group and the order was complete, carried out by agents inDallas, beware of the dark element in this world and their malice, The Montauk technology it came from ET's main purpose, othe AUG 12, 1983 part of the experiment surface, waqs to connect with and try to correct the out of control the Merkaba field in the Burmuda Triangle the Montauk Project later focused on mnd control during the gukf war, can't ignore Akashic records of the earth, magnetic maps are no longer good their worst, birds who use magnetic lines to migrate are ending up in wrong places, snd the whales and dolpins are beaching themselves wasteless, it's hard to talk to people about the earth changes, UFO's the secret government, The Federal Reserve they'll think your the strangest, we've been srewed by the Global Elite whether people admit it or not,

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2b2b2 says:

Deeper ish....some rabbit hole indeed....thanks for sharing

love_supreme says:

This is real talk. Excellent write.

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