KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Common sense( the day you awake, the world will shake)



Views: 452

Everything that was created for free, why is it that the world causes us to pay a fee?! Water was here, food was here, energy was here, without the proper coins these people would let us starve out here.. The world goes crazy over a paper dollar when the source that it's made from and was created from and sit in front of our houses or in the yard, how is it we're not rich if we have access to all of these logs.. The big 95%of people are corrupted by money, just remember every tree that they cut down takes breath and life from you. All of this water in the world and all of the fish in the seas, why is it that I have to purchase a fishing license and pay an water bill for something that's free. I promise you this place will reap, as soon as I get behind that podium I'm speaking nothing but heat and teaching folks a little common sense on how we've been toyed with all of this years in a big world of sin. Sodom and Gommorah Sr. will go down soon and I can't wait, the only thing different this time is you made the Children of Israel participate and partake in making a very sinful milkshake, got the children of Israel killing up one another because of the plots and games you made to pull the rug from under us. Got people starving and paying for fruit when it's natural to the earth, all of these are produced for the earth and comes out the dirt. Money don't mean sh*t at all, it was just a method that was created to control us all, and they succeeded because the sheep people was too blind to see it.. Everything that you pay for, desire and purchase is native to mother earth, people are making major profits off of us because they have caused half of our brains to subconsciously not work. So what do we need money for when everything we want and need is free?! How is it that we can attract another human for free, but have to pay for a piece of fruit? Don't make any sense right?! The world is saying that everything is more important than you. King Qadar Dwon'

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DallasCowgirl says:

All truth, not one ounce of a lie. Tell em. It should be common sense... but at the same time society makes it so uncommon.

Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Expulsion of the Lies.....thanks for sharing King....ONE

Tali says:

Awesome write, we are waking up to the lies and it is amazing. Let's keep this energy flowing! And you are absolutely right, none of this sh*t means anything.

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