(Apropos A Quadriplegic Son Who Lived And Died Beautifully)
In the stillness of your own
you taught us
the circadian rhythms of life
and its meandering flow
cascading life’s tempestuous realities
year to year gracefully
wrapping pain into neat little packages
to be opened in the still of night
where you lay motionless
while spiritual healing moved
from one solution to another
as your soul communed with God.
How clever He disguised you:
a bud in waiting.
When blooming synchronized itself
with your unfolding
you became a radiant sunshine of joy:
then you gracefully slipped away.
a gentle breeze blew baptismal bless
over my every being
and I felt your sweet soul soaring
in the winds of time
and heard your redemption song
of peace and unity with Jah.