mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 361


And on that day we will rise
And raise the hued shades of ignorance
And let the light of truth shine on our souls
And purify our hearts with warm rays of hope.

And on that day we will rise
And see rumors of wars sucked into black holes of peace.
And the phoenix birds shall give birth to cooing doves.

And on that day we shall confront our humanity
And boldly say to it, you must become all we can be;
And seek forgiveness for the acts that trampled the will of God;

And hope for redemption for the shredded dreams deferred.

And on that day America shall awaken from her slumber
And stretch forth her weary arms yawning a Nicodemus yawn.

And that day shall be the dawning of new beginnings;
And the chameleon shall change its colors no more.

And each hued hope shall be woven into the fabric of common destiny.
And the wheels of time shall roll us over into the New Jerusalem…

And on that day America will sing a new song;
And it shall be: My country’s tears to thee…
And on that day God will say: Well Done!

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Extraordinary, resumed... from the station of the current of dark waters ...under the bridge in this, the twilight zone

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thank you Charles2. This piece was written several years ago; yet its relevance today, has not changed. Thanks for the feedback. Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

love_supreme, thanks. Peace and Love.

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