2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Views: 463

I  listen  to  sounds,  melodies  and  whispers

Vapors  are  sent  to  me  wafting  off  remnants

Left  for  purpose  of  transporting  states  of  reason

Achieving  a  new  amalgamation  of   sights  in   seeing

Choosing  to  assume  that  reality  is  a  form  of  achieving

Discounting  the  feeling  of   knowing  my  own  answers

Looking   out  my  window  to  graze  upon   horizons  believing

No  better  than  yesterdays  views  as  today  mimics  mystery

So  I  follow  thru  to  see  hues  confirmed  in  massing  morning  dew

Steeped and Dripping  in  feeling  my  reality  is  as  I  see  it

Confronted  by  differences  in  seizing  is  how  the  night  comes  dark

Also  fits  are the  causes of  why  I  can’t  see  a  point  in  such  matter

So  I  attach  to  the  roof  of  insisting  on  what  must  be  shared  reality

Stunted  from  the  fight  for right  leaving  others  adept  in  perceiving

As  my  fear  materializes  in  manifestations  of  cold wisps  held  true  in  light

Yet  mind  still  adjusts  to  my  sight  in  galvanizing  such  mental  plight

Wishing  for  the  invite  of  light  to  clear  the  way  in  circular  pathways

Glints of  light  continually  shines  in  points  juxtaposed  to  my  line  of  view

Forces  of  shadow  aspects  my  night  and  strike  in  my  days  for reasons in season

Held  up  against  Black  Holes  that  are  shared  in  training  of  thoughts

Devoid  is  such  a  vast  abyss….so much  so  that  much  is  left  or  missed

Causes  of  all  fright  is  standing  on  the  belief  of  opposites  of  heart  are  right

Yet  truth  is  in  the  very  nature  of  simplicity  but  yet  truth  is  rarely  duplicated

Except  in  matters  of  nature  and  in  all  its  flora  and  fauna  contradict  equations

Leaving  me  swaying  in  following  thru  on  what  my  ego  assigns  as  meaning

For  even  time  slips  away……..revealing  what  is  fleeting  but  always  fidelity…

What  is  2b? 
Is  it  the  sound  of  Me?  
Is  it  the  rhythms  assigned  to  divine  Melodies? 
What  could  that  mean  of  the whispers  that  lead  and  often  silently  Speak?

I  listen  to  the  sounds,  melodies  and whispers  but  even  such  manifests

Cannot  totally  allow  me  2b  Free….as  it  was  close  to beginning,  so  it  will

Be  important to  discern  the  vein  of  spirit  I  choose  to  let  in……..

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

What is 2b? Is it the sound of Me? Is it the rhythms assigned to divine Melodies? these lines stood out, very nice work.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks much for taking the time to read Wize....on this somewhat elaborate thought expansion (winks)

DallasCowgirl says:

Your writings are captivating, Poet. Inspired. Of course, thank you for sharing this. #muchrespect.

Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thank you underhiswings7....coming from such a passionate writer as your self I'm encouraged....Namaste!

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