thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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Views: 183

Follow my light let me guide you to internal life an happiness where all your dreams will come true but you'll never have to worry nor sleep because you won't be tired hold on tight don't let go of my light keep fighting to reach the place of a peace that lasts forever no sorrow no pain of anguish your almost there don't give up i know what you are filling i know its hard but just bare with me a little longer you can do it you deserve this don't short change your self you fall on your face but always get back up when everything and everyone is against you when struggle is something more then just struggle it hurts i see the tear the bald fist of anger the shaking of fear but you can't and i won't let you give up the power of a king! Is in side of you

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