Tears running down my face unanswered questions are all that seems to be in my head what the fucc am i doing wrong maybe its you that im doing wrong but you said the sex was great snap out of shantin your gettin off topic was everything we've been threw a fuccin lie if so then how could this be smh this pain that i am feeling isn't ordinary its hella extraordinary cuts and wounds so deep I'll need to be in the hospital for a week no doctor can fix this pain because it isn't physical its not even mental the kind of pain that can't be describe with just words damn! I am starting to see blacc an red seeing colors like that is never a good sign where's my sign at to lead me to the right and wrong directions life so hard like i had an erection its not my fault that your hands are tainted with lies lust and the blood of my heart you love that unable to let go of that when you kiss me with those blue lips filled with poison i got hooked addicted and wanted everything you had to offer overly emotional so i guess i gotta go what is this that i am feeling never mind i know what it is i believe its called rage because i thought we where on the same page time repeats itself over again but its not me doing all the foul your forcing me to play my hand i just don't understand what the fucc is going on start talking somebody please start talking before its late before these lovely moments turn into tainted memories of the past