KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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In her attire



Views: 372
Wearing real baggy clothes, the latest fashion, I'm clothed with her mind, zipped up heart, marketing the Angel's plan and putting it in action.   There's no question that I'm dressed head to toe with her glow, she's my dream girl, I'm scared to wake up and show her off to the world, I don't want nobody to know what i know about this virtuous reality, behind her I'll leave all casuaties and calamities,judgmental chemtrails and hold people for ransom, damn son. Yeah it's that real,let me feel how I feel, she's my favorite outfit, I faithfully wear her every day of the year, because her virtuehas cleaned this servant.                                                                                                                                                                                   

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