ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Right And Wrong



Views: 253

Right or wrong, whom are we to judge, adversary of a society that deeply holds a grudge, right or wrong?, right can be so wrong sometimes and vice versa, people don't admit it which makes things worser, right or wrong?, if equality is wrong and co- existing is right then how can we not be rich off of life, wrong is when two men of different races commit the same crime, one gets probation and the other gets time, one can get a job, the other can't because his x, both got convicted one gets a check, right or wrong?, if I said the first guy is a caucasin male and the second is black are you wrong or are you right if you believe this to be fact, your wrong and I am wrong two wrongs dont make a right, discrimination is the deal, prejudice is what we feel in this senseless plight, America was built on racism right or wrong?, this is something that blacks endured for too long, still going on, it;s what this nation has condoned, right or wrong?, unless I am undoubtingly mistaking, my words are powerfully mistaken, 

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2b2b2 says:

Right On....Tight Capture...thanks!

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