ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 18600
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 247

What is free will? our choice, what we dercide to do a path we choose. fate is it destiny? is destiny our future?, if so it is written the past the present and beyond, what is time?, is it equal to distance and space?, is it from start to finish?, or inbetween?, is it evolving? can it really change?, or be seen?, is the clock a ruse, part of an illusion for fools?, does it have an ending?, dreams are they future becomings?, passions withheld or irresisatable?, can they come true to reality?, are they your worst fears?, if so are these only your nightmares?, are they embarrising moments?, do they all come from the mind?, or deep in the soul or is it under control of the subconcious?, when your falling can you die if you hit the pavement?, how come your dream are wet?, how come they get so scary they make you sweat?, what does it mean that I can alter my dreams?, are they the evil in your being, reaching out for attention?, does the devil really ride your back, or is it your suffering spirit trying to relax?,

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Work....much to be filled or just skipped huh.....ONE

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