The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 14000
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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Deez Dreams


just different

Views: 210

One minute there's laughter taking seconds from my breath,

it switches up to crying as I'm seconds from my death,

my son and daughter's looking down like "No Pops please don't go,"

but I'm already gone; the ground is washed in leaves, no snow.

I don't know if the Lupus meds do make me see these things,

I close my eyes most nights to just be haunted by deez dreams,

that jolt me from my slumber like cold water splashing down,

and choke me like a weed filled Dutch nigs oughta pass around.

Now people *** with this because deez dreams are such a ,

I'm standing in a house that looks as though there's nothing in,

but old and dust filled memories of long dead fam'lies passed,

when suddenly a little girl's there standing in the ash.

She looks like she's 'bout 6 years old with pigtails in her hair,

she's white of course with mad translucency on skin so bare,

her eyes are white as if her eyeballs rolled up in her skull,

she points at me and moans; the sound is so abrupt it's dull. I hear myself yell "F*¢k this sh!t!" then turn around to book,

but at my back's some more weird noise; I turn around and look,

the little girl is now a man that stands like 8 feet tall,

an axe is raised inside his hand; he fiends to make me fall,

things flip so now the axe is resting steady in my hand,

congealing blood is on it's blade while dripping heavy and,

around me bloody body parts lay scattered round about,

I must've gone insane as screams fly shattered out my mouth....  

A white light flashes then it's over; now I'm wide awake,

I rise and hit the bowl real good so now I'm kinda baked,

I write what I remember in my notebook and these things,

do happen to me often y'all; I'm haunted by deez dreams.

©2015 The Cunning Linguist

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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Tight piece.. Thanks for sharing

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