From the wombs of ancient ancestors
of ancient black kingdoms
came strong black men
who were devolved
into shackled beast of burdens
whose enslaved labors
built a triving new world nation
A new world nation---a kingdom of ends---
whose qualified autonomy
excluded blackness
and whose means of doing so,
justified its ends.
A new world nation---a kingdom of ends---
spotlighting its centuries long 'peculiar institution'
as it glorifies its civil war his-tory---justifying
their necessary evil of our-story.
A new world nation---'kingdom of ends'---
where strong black males---hear and now---
have projected onto their strong bold black backs
a scarlet hour glass---remenicient of archers' bull's eyes
and a stark reality of the shadowd figure of the firing range.
Today we are told to teach our men folk
the ancient art of "Toming"---or become pregnancies
chosen for abortion by tools of death.
From our-story, let us remember however,
that the art of "Toming" was an invented method of survival
by broken souls---loaded with fear---to camouflage
sharp words and burning spirits that fueled the fires of freedom.
Today, we face new challenges
requiring new strategies---
far be it from us to ever cower again---
uttering sour words;
rather, let us reclaim who and what we are---
strong black men; lions of ancestors---echoing:
"each thing that goes away returns
and nothing in the end is lost..."
Indeed, fingered raised palms
are as powerless as butterfly wings
in shooting raindrops; yet the same wings
withstand the strongest winds;
so let us face today and tomorrow
with a strong fist of renewed courage: logistically
mobilizing our collective resources---
destined to restore again---our lost freedoms.