tretre | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 66300
contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Your Hair:



Views: 340

I wondered at first if they were real,

I turned down your invitation to feel,

The dark brown locks that cover your head,

But I decided to hold your hand instead.

Then when my hands finally made their way

towards your face

Framed by this hair, my fingers became jealous

Of each lucky strand, that surround your face,

Being temporarily held by my hand

you tilted your head, we shared a kiss,

As each lock seemed to share in this warm bliss.

Your locks gently formed a pyramid around our faces

As we enjoyed the good feeling of our embraces.

I gently pushed your locks aside, but quickly they returned

Returned to the face they've grown to love

Hair......long, interlocked, but definitely free

Hair that's proud to be 

Hair......Strong, but soft

My finger tips envy your crowning glory!

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