Ebony Hued Revelations…
(Lawd Ah Mercy!)
Here at the crossroads, we find ourselves
Assailed within and without.
Decisions face the threats of deception
Teasing disconnection.
Love infects itself with hate:
Strange bedfellows casting lures of stress.
So we ask, “How can we stand tall
When all seem to be falling down around?”
Are we to be the children of Setha? Beloveth?
Stand firm and know that God is not mocked;
For we have sown encysted seeds destined to germinate;
Seeds destined to sustain themselves and survive the mold’s
Mutated quest of the destruction of the fruits of labors of love.
Reservoirs of tears shall overflow the levees of scarlet orbs,
Seemingly squandered and lost. Yet, from their water, hope shall rise.
Have we not dug deep into the souls of selves
And found the rejected stone of faith’s foundation?
Thus, let us not wallow in the mire of despair
Nor quicken to the lush of disappointment.
Are we not above the elephant and the salmon?
Least we forget, let us too remember: remembering
In our earthly sojourn that this burden too, shall come to pass.
Let us wrap ourselves in the dawn’s light of new beginnings;
Squaring shoulders, anchoring heads held high:
Adversity flowing into the gutter of time.
Behold! The New Day Has Begun:
Lawd Ah Mercy!