(For Sterling, Margaret, Maya, Nikki and Angela Louise)
Yesterday has come and gone; tomorrow will be to late;
Now is the time and the time is now.
Let us relaize that we are they who we have been waiting for;
So let us exhale the apathy and inhale the readiness.
Ancestors, realize that you are the yeast to the unleaven youth;
Now is the time for them to rise.
My children, know that now is the time and the time is now;
Let us rise and claim the victory.
Know that you are the moans and groans of the loins of the blues;
And the screaming echoes of jazz.
Know that you are the Gospel truth of our liberation; Kings and Queensthat keep coming on:
This is what we must tell our children; they must know and believe
We and they are those we've been waiting for.