I'm not writing raps
to make heads bob
and toes tap but I can do that
I'm on a mission
like walking tall with a bat
I write to make tears fall
save lives and all that
help those who fall down
get back up off the ground
help the needy
expose the greedy
be the voice
to set a man on fire
put a baby in a diaper
clothed a stripper
so close your zipper
it's cheaper to keep wifey
sometimes ecstasy can be agony
just ask Smokey he put it in a melody
AIDS kill I heard it in a eulogy
at a funeral one time when
a friend of mines died
truth be told no mythology
I shoot straight from the hip
no apology
see it vividly
threes a charm like a trinity
to much atrocity in this one city
it's time to form a committee
get down to the real nitty gritty
or go home feeling pain and pity
throw a party invite some friends
lock the door so death can't in
like fresh air take it all in