ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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The Prayer



Views: 224

Please God forgive me for I have sinned , protect those who are innocent and those that pretend, to those that are lost help them begin again, the devil is roaring but I know you will win, look after my parents and all mt people, especially my kids, I am also praying for my life I am tired of doing bids, make a way for me or show ma a sign, lay me  down in your pastures to rest for all time, to those that does not know please help them seek and find, a relationship with you is one of a kind, show them the way oh Lord and I am sure they will follow, promise me serenity I dont care about tommorrow, so much sorrow and pain and idiotic hate, so many died in the name of God which you didnt create, shield me from my enimies with your rod and your staff, lead them atray and bless them to their unwalked path, I know you sit back and laugh, at my foolish mistakes I didnt do my math, always be here Lord I will forever need you, like I needed my parents and my kids will need too, give me wisdom to know which choices to make, I hope you get this prayer and it's not to late, I know more now then back then, your humble servant Ken, Amen,

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The Immortal Wize says:

This is a beautiful poetic prayer.

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