Time and patience:
The cadences you have kept---
A metamorphic journey
Through the cradle of life
Leaving the darkness
Of the cocoon
A new creature in the wind
Soaring on wings of liberty:
Butterflies are as free
As we ought to be...
Time and transformation:
The rhythms I’ve kept---
A sable hued being leaving
The darkness of its human cocoon
A catechistic journey
From the ebony womb
A new creature
Soaring in the wind:
I am as free
As butterflies be...
Time and revelations:
Trials and tribulations survived---
The butterflies have soared
in the fiercest of winds
and through any means
necessary in nature,
will protect themselves
from the terror
of its most vicious rains;
likewise must we,
through whatever means
necessary in nature,
protect ourselves
from today's reigns of terror.