ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Devil- Lived


just different

Views: 194

              Destructive - Enemy - Vile - Inhumane - Liar

I see you as I look in the mirror, your the face of fear it couldn't get any clearer, stranger and loved one mixed in the same, I know you and yet I  don't that is your game, torture and torment all the days long, I no longer know the differences between right and wrong, evil incarnate seems that's what I was born to be, torn between negative and positivity, everything around me influences me highly, I only find peace writing in my diary, chosen victor , frozen I tricked them, not the true definition of the word no good comes from pure evil, I try to do all good contradictory to the opinions of people, can't be an angel in a world full of devils, usually they overcome me, have to pretend so they wont over run me, this world is hell and when I pray I pray for all , everybody is devilish atleast I can admit my fall,

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