ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Views: 230

Out of my mind, should the punishment fit the crime, lying and decieving, a decision disbelieving, no faith. let love escape, never really understanding the aspect of a treasure, was all about my pain and pleasure, no consideration for loves true gesture, the meaning of it all you feel it because your conscience calls and it eats at you, it wont let you sleep and it beats at you, weakening your senses, dragging you down rendering you defenseless, vulnerable, what I did was not honorable, wishing only to make it right, maybe I could rest ay night, can't run from myself there's nowhere to hide, I put my pride to the side, shouldd'nt have let love slide, so much passion a love that was truly there, the kind of love that scare the kind that's rare, forgiving, everlasting, unconditional and forever as long as you loved back, and I traded it for days of lonliness how scrupulous is that, ascinine two times imbecile, incompetent forreal, if this love never speaks to me again I understand how love feels,

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