EmpressRee | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Poetry is the calling of the soul

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Cowards in a Suit



Views: 360

April 27 2015


Apparently who I am does not matter to you
the fact that my heart beats just the same as you
or that we need the same oxygen to breathe
instead you make note on your daily reminder list to discriminate against me
without ever getting to know me
 to consider that I am someones child, sister, mother
in your eyes there are no role reversals 
it could never be your son laying on the streets
gunshot wounds oozing out like hot lava after a volcano erupts
my people are that volcano
and they are erupting
but its viewed as being hoodlums or savages
I'm not  going to ask who the real savage is
for it is known 
but the truth seems to not be your best worn suit
cowards is more like it
from the beginning you wanted to see nothing but pain
with no repercussion  
lets see how long that will last 

-Empress Ree 

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ElroyKen says:

Truth and nothing but it. Nice Sis.

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BoRhyme says:

Wow!!! A lot intense emotion!! Nice Write!!!

Tru Sista says:

Poetess well spoken

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