EmpressRee | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 16600
contest winner 2
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Poetry is the calling of the soul

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Writing it Down



Views: 337

It has been a while since I took pen to actual paper

writing down these thoughts -trying

to subtract my anger

but it seeps out with every stroke of this pen

maybe it isn't anger instead a deep sadness

that can loudly be heard

my hearts throbbing -a time bomb

waiting to go off

tick tocking but never moving

time has held still

breathing has gotten irregular -caught in the cross fire

I feel like I'm on house arrest

when are we going to have some rest?

these videos attest that something is wrong

Hell is thought to be beneath our feet

but it is being proven that it is those who suck us dry

suicidal vampires

...it has been a while since I took pen to actual paper

but there's so much on my chest that this right here

seems only right

to write


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Write On!!!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Well worth the wait, EmpressRee. Remember, what we write comes from a pregnant poetic mind; and birth takes a little time. May you continue to be busy cutting the umbilical cord between your pregnant mind, pen and paper. Peace, Love and Liberation.

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