The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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lightness in the dark
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Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 371

we do not cook the same

the food may be similar

but not taste the same

to some taste buds

we may like but don't love everything

some stuff is bland and don't

taste like anything

we've ever tasted before

but some eat it up

while others upchuck

sometimes our plates are full

our eyes get big

greed sets in

we sink our teeth in

we discover that

gluttony is a sin

addicted to sugar

we develop a sweet tooth

candy cakes cookies pies

we indulge without cease

to cope with life's tragedies

stop the voices to get some peace

charging at the beast

head first we fall through a hole

bigger than the one

in our cavity

we hit the bottom

where we discover gravity

if we don't die

we awaken to everything

though we may crave

we find that we no longer

have an apatite for the same things

we hunger for something more

the candy cake cookies and pies

are all gone

we have no stove to cook on

no kitchen to put it in

no pot to piss in

not one legit friend

ready to crawl again

ready to standup and walk again

we learning to cook again 







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