Lai-D.Jay | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 2600
lightness in the dark
I'll just carve my heart out and leave it here on the table, do with it what you will...

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Question of the lonely heart



Views: 318

What do you do when lonelyness climbs up your spine and makes you shiver

Do you give in and quiver

Or do you tell yourself it's ok to be alone

But what if you have been so alone for so long that your not alone

You just plain old lonely

What do you do, go searching for people souly for the purpose of being with somebody

Or do you let the lonelyness envelope you like the blackness of space envelopes the world

Do you reach for the hand of that boy or girl

To ease the feelings of depression due to a lonely heart

Or will you just sit there untill death due you part

From yourself and that feeling

Or maybe it drives you into pschosis of seeing things that you shouldn't be seeing

Maybe you twitch like a tourtured worm in the black of night

From the lack of sleep

Due to the fact that you can't stand to hear the sound of your lonely heart beat

It's song of oneness

Do you long to hear a heart beat that is not yours close to your own

Do you wish that your search for some one to match you wasn't in vein

Do you want for a person similar to you to come and relieve all the pain

That a lonely heart can compound over the years of being a singular entity

I know that a lonely heart can be serious

I've been through it

But I wanna know what you do cause I'm just curious

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