Is this what you wanted?
Seeing me broken must have been your goal, your wish…more or less a desire of yours.
Well I’m not..
I cursed the ground that you walked on…kissed your lips one last time before I said *** you.
I would have probably pissed on your bed, set fire to your car and watched as the rain drench the ground as I tossed more gasoline into the flames.
Tell me you love me…that you care, that I am the one that you want to be with…
Do you mean it?
I looked into your eyes as you looked into my soul and told me not to say it if I didn’t mean it.
Listened to you as you accused me of every lie you could think of… and not once did you bother to try the truth…
I am broken…down.
Beaten to a pulp…bruised…and battered, confused and mentally tortured.
I am everything that you wanted and more…I am your fool.
To leave you was like to give up life itself…you can’t go…you will never go.
And the reason is…because I am the one that loves you more.
Your worlds made me feel safe, in my mind you could not tell me any lies…just the truth.
Tell me you love me…that you care, that I am the one that you want to be with…
Is it really…the truth?
Do you me?
Look into my soul…not my eyes.
I want to hear those three letter words; I want to hear the begging inside of your voice.
I need to see the pain in your eyes…the veins in your neck bulge…as you confess your love to me…
You can’t…can you?
The day you broke my heart was the day the tears stopped.
On that very day the pain eased up…and I started despising you.
The day you ***ed up and left that window open.
I took that chance to exit it out of it and not look back…
Tell me another lie…tell me you love me.
Tell me…that I was the only person… you could never…destroy.