Can your mind go on even without time?
Do your words linger longer with each breath in life?
Would you let go of the present to gain the past?
do you still keep wishing things would last?
I don't know why these words come to me tonight. All I know is they are in sight and I'm thinking, it has me thinking. On the deeper meaning in life. The lasting moments of time. The person I strive to be with all my might. But yet I can't simply be, because it's not meant for me. All that is before me. I'm only here for one thing. It's to be free. and ring in my destiny. Who's coming with me? It's our freedom I sing. And there is love that raises itself forth, from a person who holds commitment as a torch. You would not simply find me rhyming words and writing melodies. But tonight this is the music that fills my mind. I abide on the other side. The poet life. Enchanted by endearing love that never dies