tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
getting back into my poetry grind

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Views: 367
Daughter is every little girl who is evolving through the steps of life Every daughter has a mother who is also that hard working wife I am just a daughter in a big world Taking in the big sites that reflects like glass through my eyes Every passing second I am maturing for the better As I sit in my room with pink four walls be filled with stuffed animals I am filled with this wandering anguish towards my father who disappeared in a split flash If I could say this to him I would say I wish inside my heart you stayed I hug myself through the loneliness of the night I don't need to constant replay the lost memories that is a hole big and open in me The physical embrace is invisible from my grasp I'm missing you more than I ever have But, look at the individual I became now!!

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

I could say a lot but I'm just going to say "WONDERFUL POEM"

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tiffanyr says:

Thanks for the comment.

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Contest Winner  

EmpressRee says:

Yes. Wisdom is applying the knowledge. I felt this one...the woman you have become. Phenomenon

DallasCowgirl says:

Yes!! Beautiful write!


tiffanyr says:

@EmpressRee will hold your comment to my heart. I applied wisdom to the knowledge to this poem. I'm happy that you felt this one. Your phenomenon as well.

tiffanyr says:

Thanks underhiswings7.

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