The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
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lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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Carolyn {A Short Story Poem}



Views: 278

David Bell had been awake since quarter after three, he sighed out "it's ok"; well it was gonna have to be, 'cause since his girlfriend Pam had left him; it'd been lonely weeps, while gazing at a pic of them; no nourishment, no sleep. 

He'd eaten only choc'late candy; Hershey's and the like, then lie in bed so tired it would hurt to see the light, he'd lay there staring at ceiling; nighttime went away, the time would dissipate while turning nighttime into day.

Dave lost his job 'bout eight months back; oh yeah it's been awhile, like one year and 'bout three-four months; it'd been the end of smiles, Dave walked around; the frowny face etched in like a tattoo, the break-up had him feeling kinda saucy like Ragu.



Dave left his apartment and he did so ev'ryday, to occupy his mind and time in each and ev'ry way, he didn't wallow in the fact that he was unemployed, he tried to find a brighter side that's filled with sumthin; joy. 

Dave stopped to get a Reese's and a little pint of milk, the Qwik-Mart was mad packed that morning; gave him time to chill, in line; the front door opened and he leaned and strained his sight, to feed his curiosity of just who came inside....


Five foot three and slender with a face beyond compare, it shocked Dave somewhat senseless; he could just look on and stare, her hair was fire-red and long but who would wanna care? her figure slim and curvy like the carpet on some stairs.

She stepped up right behind him since he was the last in line, Dave smelled her soft perfume which started blasting in his mind, her small hand touched his shoulder as she bid to him "Good day, my name is Carolyn and sir you sure smell good today."

David's eyes blinked rapidly 'cause he could not believe, the compliments erupting from a woman hot as she, he'd blacked out but came to in time to hear "so anyway, I'm doing nothing major; would you like to spend the day?"

"Yes I would," he answered quick. "And by the way I'm Dave, you're beautiful, I'm certain that you hear it day by day." Carolyn replied "I haven't heard it in awhile", Dave grinned at music 'cause he swore he heard it in her smile.

He paid for her hot coffee and they exited the Mart, and walked around all morning pretty restless in the park, they sat down on a bench; ya boy Ol' Dave was so amazed, at Carolyn and how she had him feeling so enslaved.

"I've never ever met a woman like you in my life, see you're the type that I'd be proud to call my friend; my wife, and after what I've been through Carolyn I need the chance, to cherish you and give you what you need; you need romance.

Carolyn laughed softly; t'was a laugh so made for girls, and that's when David saw she wore a necklace made of pearls, so silky white and flawless laying on her creamy skin, Dave thought that he was crazy or that he was dreaming when,

he first met Carolyn inside the Qwik-Mart; yes it's fair, to know slowly for surely that her smooth white neck was bare, in fact it seemed those strand of pearls appeared right next to air, Dave wondered what was happening 'cause he was next to scared.

"Oh my sweet sweet David; how I wish that it could be, that you and I could live on what we feel true love should be, I wanted one more breath of conversation 'fore I leave, you gave me that and then some; maybe it's just more I seek.

I thank you for this time but now I must bid you goodbye, you'll find the perfect woman for you someday in good time, 'til then think of this time we've shared together and it'll be, the one thing I'll take with me David 'cause you carry me."

Dave leaned in to kiss her; for a second shut his eyes, he opened them to find himself alone and nothing by, his body on the park bench; jumping up he looked around, to see where Carolyn had gone; his two feet took to ground.

Dave ran this way and that but didn't see where she had gone, to gas him up then leave? Ol' David thought "Now see that's wrong", he stood beneath a hill his breathing stilled and narrowed when, he saw a woman in the distance; build of Carolyn.

The same clothes and the same red hair; "Hey Carolyn wait up!", but she just kept on walking and he thought his heart may bust, still Dave continued running after her; impaired from bright, sun rays; he kept on running right into a burial site.

The funeral was almost over from what Dave could see, he looked out at the mourners. did they see her pass; may-be, "Excuse me," Dave called out to them; "did someone see a girl, with bright red hair come through here; on her neck a string of pearls?"

They looked at Dave like he was fully nude but wearing shoes, a young teenager came from out the crowd like "hear me dude, are you looking for Carolyn?" Dave nodded straight and clear, the boy then said "you're late but there goes Carrie's grave right there."

"Her grave?!" Dave asked him loudly. "How can that be possible? I've been with her all morning and we talked and walked a few, short miles through Central Park...." the boy then shook his head "You see, you must be drunk or stoned 'cause Carolyn's been dead a week".

"She's WHAT?!" Dave asked; the boy then pointed to the coffin closed, Dave walked up to the box; a bead of sweat rolled off his nose, the kid said from behind; "Her boyfriend bashed her features in, so you could not have seen her; Carrie's been deceased my friend."

The mourners cleared on out while David stood there all alone, and wondered if he'd snapped with all the worries on his dome, he turned to leave; his eyesight inadvertent swam around, and looking down he saw a strand of pearls lay on the ground....

©2015 The Cunning Linguist

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Helluva Capture/Write....must admit like the beginning flow better than a curve at end.....but....crazy....TIGHT!! Write on brah.....

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Great write...I enjoyed it. A very cunning approach. Loved the flow.

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