sierralanai1 | Poetry Vibe
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Interim Bliss



Views: 302
Chasing Ignorance to Borrow Bliss I'm afraid that I'm capable of much(amazement), but that I will never allow myself to accomplish them...I will be my own hindering block for peace and success.... I'm afraid of my normal realm of thinking. So much so, I run to simpler minded people....surround myself with simpler things...Ignorance is Bliss...but we have yet to find the catchy saying for the opposing idea?....bliss....such an extreme one dares challenge thee opposing....for fear and apprehension of unprecedented territory... We applaud the overly gifted, make the most creative of people's lives seem like a pleasant symphony NEVER FINISHING THE IDEA AND STATEMENT that if "Ignorance is bliss" Knowledge and all other transcending mindsets, whose every day thought, contrasts the Masses' entry level way of thinking, have to be accompanied by an even darker anguish.... Its lonely... No one see's what I see, when I matter how close we are in view I choose to descend, and be come eye level with those around me...There's conversation there, there's common ground... There.... is.....where the voices are actually speaking. Thus shutting out my own... temporary peace. Misery thrives in my brain, with no contentment...there's never enough always another thought, another form of torture that can be pulled apart, dissected then reassembled mentally..leaving me shackled and heavy... how far can you run, if moving your feet won't get you there??? Better question. How do I get away if the act does not require a physical motion? Are we gifted or are we prisoners against our own gift??? The lines blur, and time continues Day after day, I run to ignorance trying to borrow what i can of others' bliss...only to have satiated it for that time, leaving me once again to my own twisted mental obstacle course...basking in their bliss but for a brief moment.... is it enough? No, is it worth it??? And just as any drug it becomes not enough.... Leaving you more open than when you began... What now?? Where do I go and what do I do...? These questions alone plague me endlessly, going unanswered time after time... And then MY silver light, I mean silver lining. NO...silver light .. came as if a strong hand elongated towards Me....For what reason I may never know...because the question no longer was why me? But why me??? more in the sense of "why this pain" but simply "how can I deserve this??"...because this hand... this hand was unlike any wasn't weak, it didn't pull back or bend it was steady, the only thing capable of retrieving me from this casket...exceeding Thee Most moral of compasses, especially that of my own...rooted in a sense, as if it was always there and the smoke just cleared, ....could it be?? Could it be it was here through it all but My smoke was too thick to see?? My questions change and my thirst begins and with fearful excitement I grab ahold of this hand..... And my journey begins.

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2b2b2 says:

Outstanding Share....Bravo....thanks for sharing!

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