2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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MAMA with no ADO


just different

Views: 450

Shout  out  for  mothers  

Love’s  eternal  manifestation

Maternal  love,  making  nations

Beauty  stretched  elastic, baring  kindred

Upon   humane  branches  sharing  divinity

Affinity  for  fostering  loving  communes

Within  her  domain,  loving  kindly  remains

Poured  out  from  within,  2b  born  again

Matriarch  of  living  spirit,  nurturing  righteously

Without  such  like,  we  are  just  2b  typecast  in  error

Direct  lines  to  dreams  imbued  by  prayerful  willpower

Superior  in  knowhow  in  saying  just  the  right  things

Her  care  is  intrinsic   and  worthwhile  to  mimic

Always,  any  day  is  sprinkled  with  enough  love  to  differ

Even  when  outside  her  home,  no  hungry  child  is  unfed

A  natural  pain  reliever,  soothsayer,  cheerleader,  teacher

Preacher  of  the  WORD  that  covers  all  us  mustard  seeds!

And  She  Believes…..and  Believes,  even  on  knees,  she  Believes!

So  I’m  here  to  say,  without  a further  ado……


Thank  you!

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LP45 says:

Awesome dedication 2B! Loved every line of it. Write on my friend!
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Beautiful words!

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2b2b2 says:

Thanks....Happy Mother's Day to and for All.....ONE

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