Jay Beach | Poetry Vibe
Jay Beach
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#3wishes The Series Starts Now

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My Daughter



Views: 396

Dear Daughter, I don't ask much of you

I just ask that you love yourself for who you are no matter how much they judge you

I'm gonna tell you how beautiful you are every time I get a glance

Ima tell you I love you, show you I love you and hopefully be an example of what love is

Cause growing up I only received half the love I was entitled to as a kid

Ima teach you to love your hair whether it's long and curly or sometimes nappy

And Ima try to give you the best to make you and mommy happy

Ima wipe away those tears with my shirt, tissues and hands when the children at school heckle

And Ima make sure you understand that your uniqueness is deeper than your skin tone and your freckles

I'm going to look you in your hazel eyes and tell you the truth

And I'm not gonna trip if you use my hand as a teething ring trying to cut that first tooth

I pray that you take some of my characteristics and encrypt them in you 

And when it comes to boys I want you to wait on that special software that you can trust before you export your love and download their issues

I don't want you to find a man who is like me to the tee

Cause nobodies perfect but God and there's no exceptions including me

Find a man that loves you and respect him the way he does you 

Be faithful and make sure that in all you do you stay true

Don't lose yourself, keep your eyes on the prize

And remember if things don't work out, it's not the end of your life

The show goes on baby and you're the star 

Keep God first cause with him your dreams are never that far.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

This read like a Hallmark card, wonderful poem Jay.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

AWESOME WORK....thanks for sharing!!

Coloured_Asian says:

I love this pen every parent should it's thoughtful and soulful without being preachy

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DallasCowgirl says:

Very nice

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