BoRhyme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Trying To Reach Space

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  brigadier general
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For The Babies


just different

Views: 331

inflicted pain, the shame, triflling father

won't ever know a name, why bother

or whoever he is for that matter

the start of childhood future on the brinks to shatter

some of these mothers too

let's mention welfare, the abusive view

a child shouldn't go hungry

a growling stomach at a constant vomit

she's entertaining  a wild lifestyle, tricked out and foul

head in a cloud of Mary Jane

 can't refrain from the pipe either

daily routine, this is proccedure

and so these children are born but never asked to be

but can't apologize for being a catastrophy

than the baby daddy have the nerve to come back

from time to time and layup

but the power is off, but won't payup

 she's deep throating, while the electric bill is floating

but when he was present he was trying to call shots

when in all reality, he was only good at making you hot

and seizing any bit of salary you caught



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The Immortal Wize says:

Nice capture of the truth.

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DallasCowgirl says:

Very real. Thanks for sharing a piece of truth.

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