Thank You for Your Love It was something in the words
From your message that
Struck me in such a way,
I felt it in my soul.
You’ve been an inspiration
Throughout my lifetime,
Your friendship has proven
Priceless beyond measure
Your words are always positive.
We shared stories about
Joys and pains in our lives,
We kept each other in prayer,
Shared scriptures, pleasantries
And laughter over the airwaves.
When we met those millennia ago,
I had no idea it’d last this long
But I’m glad it has thus far.
I look forward to experiencing
What our friendship and God
Has in store for us in the future
Whatever it is to be.
I am forever grateful for
The blessing of our friendship
He has so graciously given us.
So it is with honor and pleasure
I say to you my friend,
Those words from your message
That struck me in ... |
First Thoughts She awakened from her slumber
To morning’s callings,
Her first thought was of him.
Groggily she puts on her glasses,
Checking the time as
Her immediate surroundings
Come into focus making
The thought of him
All the more clearer.
Wondering what he’d be doing,
Her brain fog hadn’t
Fully dissipated until his message
Came through greeting her
With well wishes and hopes
For a beautiful day.
Then she realized
That it was Saturday
The Sabbath for him.
His message came with a scripture
She pondered a few moments,
And then smiled.
Was she his first thought upon
Waking up that morning
As he was hers?
She’ll probably never know.
Was she his last thought before
Closing his eyes the previous night
As he ... |
Message from Haiku Beach Finger words written
Upon wet sandy beaches
Made the perfect place
To tell a story
Of a journey goer’s sail
To the horizon.
His vessel’s grandeur
Captured yearning dreamer’s eyes
Pausing in stillness.
Pridefully smiling
He gratefully bows with thanks
Before casting off.
Sunrises and sets
Shared time keeping duties with
His dad’s pocket watch,
Handed down from his
Grandfather, to dad, to him
Eighteen carat gold.
Highlights of days at
Sea, breaching marine life and
Dancing with the wind.
Nights quieted down
To randomly flapping sails
And wave cradled dreams.
Several ports of call
Later, he revisits home
With glorious tales
Of dolphins and whales
Dancing in the open sea
Reigning in freedom.
Loved ones wonder as
Time ... |
His Present, My Past Two friends
30+ some years apart
Never shared a real kiss
Yet remain heart to heart.
My present is his future
His future, my past,
Only God knows how long
This friendship will last.
We can tell each other anything
No matter what it is,
We shared some firsts and seconds
And a moment or two of bliss.
From watching the California sunrise
To watching the sunset in Maui
We stay connected via God,
Photos and technology.
We’ve shared personal moments as
Much as friends could care
I imagine myself beside him
As at the midnight sky we stare.
Laughing, talking and counting stars
Fueling our imaginations
Role playing as if first meeting
With greetings and salutations.
I smile and chuckle while we talk
As our voices fade to silence,
Reminiscing the good times
Gave validity... |
Forever Captured I smiled when I saw your face
I touched and felt it
As if I were there
The moment had taken place
Affixed and immobile I stood
As time captured it.
Joyful memories flood my eye wells
As smiles embed and retrace
Footprints from memory banks
Unlocking past reflections
Restoring that first loved feeling.
Momentarily trapped in time yet
Happily taken back, I must admit.
Reminiscing on the days
We first met reimagining the
Introductions to conversations that
Started our friendship and led up
To where we left off.
Wandering thoughts left
To wonder to what could’ve been
Have gracefully bowed out to
What is now and of today.
I am humbled and blessed,
Appreciative and honored
To have you in my life,
My heart and my soul.
You are truly a blessing from God.
I thank Him for you every day
That ... |
Caught Up Until I Let Go Heaviness weighted in my heart
For confidence to pass out
As it takes last breath.
My heart was aching
It was winning the fight
Breaking me down little by little.
Not sure what to do
Fearfully fighting the pain
So sure the worst would come.
Searching through my thoughts
A voice reregistered in the
Back of my mind as I
Remembered a conversation
With an old friend who said.
“My wife’s name is Hope.”
Then the verse hit me.
Immediately I flashed back
In time to an old familiar song.
“My hope is built on
Nothing less than Jesus blood
And righteousness!”
The heavyweight on
My heart lifted like
A hot air balloon into the sky,
I rejoiced as it took flight.
“I dare not trust the
Sweetest frame but wholly lean
On Jesus’ name!”
My smile hugged me
Yesterday Once More Memories of long walks
Along the shorelines
Where the ocean whispered
As it collected our sandy footprints
Find their way back home
Every now and again.
Recollections of midday lunches
And evening dinners with the
To die for flavors that
Made us laugh and hunger for them
Stopped by for a visit.
Memories of breakfast at sunrise
And a table for two accompanied by
A single red rose in a crystal vase
And moments of breakfast in bed
With my favorite meal and waiter,
Just rang my memory’s doorbell.
Each and every recollection is
The engine that drives my soul.
It’s the sense of your touch
That courses through my veins,
Finds its way to my heart
Increasing my palpitations as
I internally explode with excitement
Remembering the very sight of you.
And even though with this
Unexpected bittersw... |
Watching the Sunset In Maui Pictures shared over the airwaves.
Palm trees giving ever so gently
To tropical breezes are captured
As our forever moment in time.
With each sunrise comes the
Rich greens, soothingly calming blues
And gently comforting whites.
A breathtaking scenery of a canvas
Of unimaginable creation.
With each setting sun comes
Enriched hues of the primaries.
Blended reds, oranges,
Yellows and blues create stunning
Mixtures of color in and about the
Horizon slowly overtaking daylight,
Seemingly setting the clouds ablaze.
The ocean mimics with darker tones
As the sky slowly closes its eye upon
Us holding our hearts just a bit longer.
Daily repetition allows us to
Visualize its blessing in the
Hopes of acceptance and
Appreciation of what we have,
Are given and are given in return.
Watching the sun set in Maui
Would be an u... |
Friendology Dear Friend,
I know you don't like technology,
But it's a requirement for
My course in Friendology.
It's the only way for me to
Stay in touch with you,
But deep down inside
I feel like I'm losing you.
I know life keeps you busy
So I hope you don't get dizzy
From everything spinning in your world
And you forget about your "special" girl.
When I think of you
I see your face.
And smiling as I do quite often,
My heart begins to soften
Like butter melting
On freshly baked cornbread
As random thoughts fill my head.
Broadening my smile from ear to ear
I bite my bottom lip
Wishing you were here.
But nonetheless,
I won't stress,
Just had to get this off my chest.
So much for the subtlelessness... I guess.
I'm sure you're probably thinking,
"Is this what she... |
Boiling Point Stress levels risin'
Sometimes I wanna scream,
Too much goin' on
Dammit Scottie, where's that beam??!!
Calgon! Why did you leave me?!
You were supposed to take me away!
My heart's breakin', burnin' and achin'!
I gotta get away! I gotta get away!
I don't care where I go.
Feel like I'm chained and shackled
And everything's in slow mo.
I need some me time.
Just wanna forget
About the rest of the world
As my fists shake and drip sweat.
Everyone except you, my sanctuary.
I need your arms around me
Embrace my heart with your smile.
Comfort me with forehead kisses
Oh how my heart misses
Your soulful love.
Little ones only fill the temporary voids
So sweet and joyful they are.
But when all else fails,
I know with you I prevail.
An ice cold Corona Extra
To smooth the edg... |