There are no white picked fenses in the ghetto
There are no ghettos in the hood
There are no hoods in the suburbs
There are too many trees in Georgia
There are countless black men
Who are dead and could have been alive today
There are too many babies with one on the way
Everything is a sign no one communicates
Love is lost and everyone obliterates what they hate
Children no longer fight over toys
Beat on things and make a lot of noise
More and more boys want to be girls
While more and more girls act like boys
Welcome to USA a police state
Christians are waiting for Jesus and still they wait
In third world countries people are praying
For food over empty plates
Slaves carry the wealthy’s weight
So the wealthy have to sleep light
Coz one night is coming and they might
Not quite make it out alive
Coz the newborns are opening up their eyes
staring down the barrel of a shotgun is a faceoff
See what I mean