I am nuanced
in a nation of sound-bites,
where if my words don’t fit neatly
in your ear, they don’t sound right.
Years of Sesame Street day care
have impaired the mental faculties
of my peers –
their minds suffering from atrophy –
lacking exercise.
Cataracts affect third eyes.
Multi-generationally fed
with over simplified
talking points in the press
by journalists under duress,
who will tow the party line
to control the body’s minds.
99 marionettes to 1 Geppeto.
This puppet show was screwed up
from the get go.
Multi-media streaming us along,
keeping us misinformed.
Conservatives dismayed
that black people won’t conform.
Deluded liberals don’t realize
they went along for the ride
‘cause their leadership pulled
that wool sh!t over their eyes.
Eyes that look down at me
with patronage and pity
‘cause as some integrated our incomes
and segregated our cities
YOU stood idly by.
So ask me again,
Why do I be lookin’ at you sh!tty?
Sometimes truth don’t paint so pretty!
- HymnAgen