tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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"Like Art"


just different

Views: 312
I am a rare case of art in a clear protected glass Jesus is my artist he made me with his bare hands Yes I was made from dirt with Christ I stand Jesus planted his chosen one seed in my soul and watched me sprout I blossomed in front of Jesus eyes Now I am in the museum of spiritual grace and I don't need no space I'm untouchable to the devil web because I have Jesus halo on my head At the end of the day it all comes down to what Jesus says Jesus hands are the paintbrush That's why I'm "Like Art" He envisioned me from the start When he turns off the light my canvas glow He created me as a testimony to show I'm his baby girl His creation to the world If you want my love meet him at the door "Like Art" is what I permanently will be Thank you Jesus for making me And able to bow and worship you at your feet

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