skyyberry1987 | Poetry Vibe
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so in love! I'll give it all away.... just dont tell nobody tomorrow

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blank slate


Views: 345
Wipe my soul clean, a blank slate Take me to that place beyond pain and hate I hear death lightly rapping, knuckles at the door Use the key, set yourself free, so you can soar The ending is just a beginner For the lover of life's not a sinner Countless incarnations more to go For the soul to learn all it needs to know Like a window, wiped invisibly clear Such that flying birds can't even see Where there is no longer any separation All is one, no need for you and then me I see them crying from the parallel I'm right here with them, but they can't tell The five senses so limited Why so shocked over what was always temporary? Don't worry, I'll see you again soon Soul recognition, sure as a new moon And there we'll be, a brand new start Where only one can go with a child's heart

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