KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 528

Sh*t..... You know life always goes on, we can't be blaming other people for "our" problems because of the decisions that we made on our "own". The victims often times feel like things aren't going right, what about the times when we played the suspect in "our" own lives, and the times men manipulated the wives and the wives manipulated the child?! And the times the child manipulated the eyes and stood right in front of your face and manipulated the elders with the lies. We are all born wicked and it's our obligation to pinpoint that spirit and fix it.. Born into sin and shaped into iniquity or did we forget because some of us think that we're the perfect assembly?! The kids are innocent but the adults are guilty, is it really fair to judge them because the parents are so wicked and so filthy. In the wilderness head first and tail last, common sense ain't so common because we play the blame game so fast. Own up and grow up, put up and show up, situations are at hand because we made our own choices and hearkened to our own voices thus making our own hearts hardened and darkened our own auctions, now we looking for sympathy and we bought all of our own short comings.. It is what it is so I'll just tell it how it is... King Qadar Dwon

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Man ain't this the double, triple truth.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Excellent Capture....Word Up!!

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DallasCowgirl says:

The beautiful Truth!


LP45 says:

Tell em like it is KQD! Open up the tight lipped, confession is good for the soul, Thank you for sharing this.

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