beauty and the beast She was my sunflower with a mockingbird animal spirit
Her yellow petal feathers brought ice winds into my cosmos
She sung to me but I had to close off nature to hear her song
Her vocals rang out in silence like a heart monitor on deaf ears
She held my hands when I couldn't get a grip on time
Her touch froze me like the chills felt with a slight graze or breeze to a freshly parted scalp
She was prepping me to be a husband and a father
She is home because she's where my heart is
She was my Eden, and I, her Atom, she was on ions bringing both positive and negative into a garden of hunger pains
She was layered food for thought that more times than not watered my eyes no matter how many times I tried rinsing
Rivers flooded my ducts like the amount of overwhelming emails of quackery in the spam box of my emails
I'd only fixed frustration I now fixe... |