DANADANE | Poetry Vibe
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Office Space



Views: 406

Imagine you’re at work

Trying to ignore the jerks

Boldly talking about race

My anger boiling over, about to catch a case


Did they forget I was here

If I showed my face would the discussion change gears

Regardless, they should be in fear

Speaking so freely, with me sitting so near


First they say “those people”

Soon come other words, like pitiful

“Them” and “they” become part of the conversation

They’re really testing me, I’m about to come to their location


If the roles were reversed

Could I make them feel worse

My turn to say what I feel

No filters

Would they make a big deal


I know not to complain

As it would only be in vain

My reputation would be forever changed

I’d become isolated, out of range


I walk by and they quickly shut up

They could see on my face, I'm about to erupt

But instead I go back to my desk

Keeping it together is a real test


Should I set it off

Let them know I’m not soft

But I need to keep my job

Either way, I feel robbed


I make the choice to just sit and simmer

In my office space

While they, now quietly, talk about my race.



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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Great Capture...been there....takes real courage though, to keep it moving to your benefit.....silence is very rarely a sign of weakness....thanks for sharing.....ONE

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

What a great poetic revelation...well penned. I am of the same frame of mind as 2b2b2. Oh what a revelation "those other" will have when the learn of "The Spook Who Sat By The Door! Thanks for the share...50 years later...and...the irony is some of us are still sitting...but not listening! Peace, Love and Liberation!

danadane says:

Thanks 2b and mlowe. I know anyone with a job has been there at one point or another. It ain't always easy but I guess that's why God gave us thick skin.

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BoRhyme says:

Yes Sir!!!! THIS IS BLAZIN!!!! Great Work!!!

BoRhyme says:

Yes Sir!!!! THIS IS BLAZIN!!!! Great Work!!!

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