sttulove | Poetry Vibe
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Ghetto Dreams



Views: 352
hetto Dreams   They say the sun don't shine in the ghetto. Not in a place full of corruption and so much greed. A place where the rain never stops and the people live on empty dreams. The ghetto is the site of so many tragic events that has led to so much pain. The ghetto is the places where so many mothers and fathers that have trapped their kids in a place that is so close to their graves. Only to travel alongside their baby that is destined to leave the ghetto one way or another.   The boys in the hood travel that mystical pipeline from crayons and chocolate milk to handcuffs and jailhouse food .The situation that they encounter then in turn leads to broken homes and families that lose faith when they are forced to live without their only family jewel. The children are swept away into either graveyards or penitentiary gates. Still the ghetto produces so many young kings and queens only to be locked away into the dungeons of their own kingdoms, or to be persecuted in the same streets that they played games such as stick ball, kick ball, and football.  Now the blood of the ghetto runs the streets as if it is screaming “run run".   The paranoia of living is more devastating than the dying from the bullets of a hundred guns. These ghetto children would rather live producing fear in the eyes of their arch nemesis, rather than live culturally conditioned and called names such as: sell out, race traitor, Oreo, house , or Uncle Tom.     All that the ghetto people want is to live that American dream, just so that they can live in a state where the charity that is given is not charity that they receive. So they spark a match and burn down the same stores that they feed. The fire that burns are nothing more than a flame that only the prosecution perceives, as a another reason why the ghetto children shouldn't be accepted and should never be a part of the American Dream.   Now the bullet that burns through flesh only stimulates the ghetto’s lost and tormented soul, so that the heart of the ghetto people are provoked to stand up and burn the ghetto down so that the top soils begin to finally prosper and  grow. Now that the life of so many ghetto natives are gone,  the remaining residents of the ghetto will let the world know, that the dreams of the ghetto will be heard and by any means necessary they will get what they rightfully deserve

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Magnificent Writes.....I like....RESPECT....thanks for sharing!

sttulove says:

Now you have skills.. I'm loving you style..great job..I would love to hear this one in spoken word

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