sttulove | Poetry Vibe
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brick wall



Views: 302
  Brick Wall I can't let your words be a brick wall that holds me back. Never should I have had faith in man, when the faith of a man is nothing more than a brick wall that holds you back. When I was in tears and had nowhere to turn, Nyquil and sleeping pills got me through my tribulations, and led to another brick wall that held me back. When you said you love me and I said I didn't care, really I did, But you know me, I'm a brick wall that was holding you back. I can't breakdown these bricks, because I'm no better than the mixture that holds together these bricks, in the places that hold people back. The sound waves of spirituality bounce off my brick walls but no one else hears it and it comes bouncing back like a bouncing ball. These bricks begin to chip as I stress away my days, but no one sees it, not until it is in front of their face. Then they understand why the bricks started to chip away, and why on Sunday mornings I sat in the middle of the rain with closed lips and closed eyes. Living a full movie every day, and I have no script. Now every word that I speak hits the ears of another’s ear like a brick, then when it is thrown back at me, I pretend not to hear. Now when I attempt to regurgitate my values, the ones I learned while I was living behind these bricks. I realize that if I really want to be free I just have to walk around the wall that is made of so called “bricks”.

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2b2b2 says:

Tight.....thanks for sharing!!!

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