athomas | Poetry Vibe
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How ??????????????????????



Views: 257

Hurt is something no one every wants to get use

But I feel sometimes we are forces to accept pain, accept the hurt life throws us

Fear that no matter what you may go into, there a strong possiblity things just may not go the way it should

Some people allow you to place so much trust and faith in them , just to see all youve put in to it come crashing down right before your eyes

How do you deal

How do you stop the tears

How do you cope with the pain

How do you get over

Missing how you were before your first heartbreak

Realizing you have lost sight of yourself

Just to question yourself "WHO AM I"

Wheres my strength, Wheres my faith

Ive lost it all, trying to get something from someone else that I can give myself

Tired of starting over, thinking of all the failed attempts

Where to begin, when you are still damaged and hurting from your past


Worst feeling is to give your all, just to see it wasnt good enough

Worst ***ing feeling every is to love and not get that same love in return after you have given your all and more

Honestly what do you do

To know I was just a ***ing option, yet to me you were my main priority

What do I do with these feelings

Get over is not easy , never has been

So how do I.................

How I accept all of this pain, and move on...................

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2b2b2 says:

Poignant penning....well captured....ONE

poems by this commentor


wesnesby says:

Yes, what he said well captured. We must always look for the signs. We look over them after the love has our attention, but you must retreat

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