BangEpiphany | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
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Pray It Out


first love

Views: 192

Now I lay him down to me, I prayed thee Lord his soul to keep, if I should die before he wakes, I pray the Lord his soul be saved. God he's everything I crave in the morning and after midnight. Be near me so you can see how you make me quiver so bad. Forgive me for such sinfulness I want to deliver on you. I made it clear why in hell I desire you. It's because you're so damn hot. You make me feel fire between my heavenly gates. I walked a visibly long path to finally kiss you. But you'll be walking on water after you're finish with me. My king please honor me with your manly sword. Obeying your every request. Requesting to be your every fantasy.

A saint can never save a sinner because the saint has sinned to love a sinner. Please I beg of you my king. I beg to have you til every part of us has been fulfilled heavily. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

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