Good morning soul
Today I’m gone to write
a poem that simply suggested
its self to me last night.
It will be a poem of joyous tears
for the two sons I dearly miss--
sons that gave my life so much bliss.
Oh I wish this poem
would flood its self
with their many loving words
and charming acts---
that all the world could see
why God so dearly wanted them back.
But let me not push
this poem to any type of limitation,
for it’s not a wailing, pitiful lamentation
of a heart painful and sad---
rather, it’s a praise poem to the Giver
for granting us all the crazy fun we had.
Good morning soul.
This poem could never cover
all those wonderful short years---years,
filling this old heart with such joy and laughter
and flooding these old orbs with grateful tears.
Yeah, tha Lawd giveth; and tha Lawd taketh away.
Blessed be tha Name of tha Lawd each and evah day!