BangEpiphany | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
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Lost Gyal


long distance

Views: 215

I don't talk much cuz,

Nobody hears me,

When nobody hears me,

They don't see me,

Ignored like a dead floating fish,

Nobody can save me,

Fine then I abruptly say to thyself,

Screw every soul that I consider alive,

Away to anyone who blows a smile at me,

Excuse my behavior all of sudden...,


Excuse your behavior that I tolerated since my existence began,

Leave me be I need no help from trouble that caused effect,

Everyone be happy in your place of hell that you danced your way to,

I have no more hands to throw out,

I have no sympathy to deliver,

I lost love when I threw my heart away,

Along with burning my emotions into the atmosphere,

I walked away quietly rebalancing thyself somewhere near this beautiful island,

I will call home,

More than just sand,

More than waving waters at my feet,

Sweeter than cut coconuts juice with a pretty straw,

Calmer than the trees breezed in a restful evening,

Prettier than the morning sunrise til the heavenly sunset,

More rhythmic than dem girls hips sway to a reggae beat,

More deeper than a poetic revolutionary black brotha,

I know what I am,

What I like,

What fits me physically and emotionally,

What makes me smile even through the bad,

Who I love to the endless of time,

What's ok to accept and keep it moving,

I say less now because it's just cheap,

I rather work to earn what's owed to me,

Graciously and humbling to my soul,

I only live for me now,

For my own universe.

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wesnesby says:

;) that was beautiful. Yeah you got a smiley face, feel special

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