qtp_21 | Poetry Vibe
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CALLING all POETS lets connect on Instagram if you guys have one! mine is @qtp_21 I will follow back to ALL who follow

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My Testimony



Views: 429

My Testimony: By QTP (“Quan Tha Poet”)

God is so good… just being able to form these words and for him to allow my words to be heard is a blessing/ He done blessed me to see 21 years but the road was never always pleasant/ was born with sickle cell anemia ss/ to some that have it may seem like it’s a curse / but to me it feel like my father blessed/ even though I go through pain on daily/ it just always remind me/ that God is good all the time/ even right now as I rhyme/I’m thinking of a time where I had the worst crisis ever since I was on this beautiful green earth/ the pain started from the bottom and ended here/ it got so bad that I had fear/ but the holy ghost informed me to open up my bible find the book of Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10 and it states: fear not for I am with you be not dismayed.. for I am your God, I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand/ lord you stayed by my side and the prayers from the church family  was my fuel no 87/ my body was shutting down like they had me on an anesthetic/ and come to think about it I knew that the enemy was present/ doc drugged me up and told me that there was a cab present/ he wanted me out there!/ I had insurance.. No Obama care/ I got to be honest.. I felt like it was unfair/ how he wanted me out!: and if I took the offer me standing here I doubt/ but all thanks go to Jesus Christ how he brought me out!/ Had tubes all over and he snatched them out! Couldn’t breathe on my own and he helped me out! / couldn’t stand on my own and he lifted me up! / So how dare you sit down when all praises go up!?/ I’m a living testimony how dare you compare it to luck/ this is my testimony 3 years passed due!/ I’m sorry father I just needed the time to get closer to you!/ wanted to see you smile!/ yet back than krik franklin would do!/ It’s my time scratch that it’s God’s time!/ while the world is claiming it’s hammer time/ my shyness wouldn’t allow me to speak maybe that’s why I was compared to a mime/ but now I let this poetry speak for me!/ and now I’m praising God with my gift of words!/ let it be heard! I need to stop worrying if my father got me if he said he got the birds in his everlasting word!/ God’s love to all saints is more valuable than any pearl/ God thank you for blessing me with this few minutes of fame; while I’m giving praise to your name/ this my testimony what’s yours? Be sure to tell it with love... tell them about the man up above Jesus Christ who died on the cross with his arms and legs stretched out and nailed to the cross for our sins/ but that’s not the end cause on the third day my savior rose again with all power in his hands/ lord I just want to say thank you once again you blessed me with life & when I was sick you always gave me a healing hand/ when I was young I couldn’t wait to get old now I’m sitting here wishing forever young will take hold/ it’s time to stop being italics when were told to be bold!/ God you’re so good to me! Your greatness has to be told/ I’m talking the greatest story ever! But my savior is so much more than a baby in a manger! He performed miracles/ I’m talking feeding thousands/ healing the sick/ he even picked 12 disciples/ and to think he did this for our sinful nature/ he loved each and every one of us! And when he comes back for us I hope to see each and every one of us! While Jesus saying well done and my kingdom awaits us; be blessed….

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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

This is a very powerful, deep, emotional, motivational, and inspiring piece.. There is no limit on the powers of our father and he is more awesome than awesome and his son is our savior which is our brethren.. Don't worry he'll be back real soon and I mean soon.. Your faith is everlasting and that's the way that it's supposed to be.. Great write.. Be blessed.. Shalom..

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BoRhyme says:

Just beautiful!!!!

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Over love this!! Pure expression!

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